Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sử dụng tiếng việt và tiếng nhật trên ubuntu 18.04

  1. Vào setting > regions and languages > manage installed languages > click vao nut install/remove language > check vao japanese va vietnamese roi nhan apply
  2. chọn ibus làm input method system (còn gọi là input framework)
  3. khởi động lại máy tính hoặc chạy ibus restart

ngoài ra có thể dùng thêm ibus-m17n làm input framework

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Using Japanese on a MacOS High sierra

This site describes how to use Japanese on a Macintosh computer, particularly for people who use a Mac predominantly in English but also want to read, write, browse, and email in Japanese. This front page contains information on activating Japanese support in Mac OS: start by following the instructions below, then consult the other pages on the site for information on specific tasks and applications: email, web browsing, dictionary software, etc.
The instructions on this site are up to date for Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra), but you can use them with very slight changes for earlier versions of Mac OS X. (For significantly older systems, see the "Other Resources" page on this site.)

Getting Started: How to Enable Japanese Input in Mac OS

Today using Japanese with the Mac is relatively seamless. Mac OS comes installed with support for reading and editing Japanese--in documents, in email, and on the web. If you receive Japanese email in Apple's Mail application or go to a Japanese web page in Safari, the Japanese will probably display correctly without your doing anything special or reading any further on this page. If this does not work smoothly, if you want to enable additional features in these programs, or if you want to input Japanese text (to create documents, do web searches, or send email in Japanese, for example), you'll need to take some extra steps. These are described below, and on the other pages of this site.
To enable input in Japanese (or other Asian languages), go to System Preferences from the Apple menu, click on the blue flag icon labeled Language & Region. Click on the button marked with a plus sign in the lower left to add a new language, then select Japanese from the menu and click the Add button. You will be asked you if you would like to use Japanese as your primary language; for now choose "Use English," unless you want the menus and dialogs in the finder and other applications to switch to Japanese.
Maverick System preference panes
Maverick System preferences languages pane adding Japanese
If you have a trackpad, you may also want to repeat this process to add "Traditional Chinese" or "Simplified Chinese," which will bring up a second window allowing you to choose the "Trackpad Handwriting" option. This will let you enter kanji characters by drawing them on the trackpad.
The next step is to set the options for Japanese input. Click on the "Keyboard Preferences…" button at the bottom of the Language & Region window, which will take you directly to the Input Sources tab of the Keyboard Preferences pane. From the menu on the left, choose "Japanese." (If you have an older versions of MacOS, this may say "kotoeri", which was the earlier, more poetic name of the Japanese input method). You'll see the different Japanese input preference options. Set them as follows to start out:
  • Check the boxes for hiragana and katakana.
  • Uncheck the "Live Conversion" box for now.
  • Scroll down a little further in the panel (past the content shown below) and find an option called "Predictive Candidates"; it should be unchecked.
  • Check the box that says "Show input menu in menu bar" at the bottom of the preferences pane.
Sierra Japanese input preferences
If you now look at the menu bar at the very top of the screen, you should see the icon for the input menu--it probably looks like a little flag. You can now select Hiragana or Katakana from that menu to enter Japanese text in almost any application. For more on how to enter Japanese text, see the page on Typing in Japanese elsewhere on this site.) If Hiragana or Katakana is already selected as the input method when you click on the input menu, you'll get a longer menu with options specific to Japanese input, including a help option.
El Capitan input menu with English input selected El Capitan input menu with Japanese input selected

Do I need a Japanese Keyboard?

Most users (including native speakers) enter Japanese by typing the pronunciation in roman characters, so you do not need a special Japanese keyboard. If you have a Japanese a keyboard, it has a few extra keys you can take advantage of, as well as the option of dispensing with roman character input and having each key map to a specific kana character. The online Apple store now has an option that lets you select a Japanese keyboard as an option when you buy a new Mac. If you are using a Japanese keyboard or laptop, you can choose between the rōmaji or kana input method in the Japanese input preferences.

Choosing English or Japanese Menus in Applications

To enable Japanese menus in the Finder and other applications, you can go to System Preferences under the Apple menu, then select the icon for the Language & Region preferences pane. Add Japanese to the list of languages as described above, if it does not appear there already. If you drag Japanese above English in the list, the finder and many other applications will open next time with Japanese menus. Even if you do not want Japanese menus, make sure Japanese appears somewhere in your list of languages. Just having it there unlocks Japanese features in certain software, like Japanese encoding in Apple's Mail application.
System preferences languages pane
You can also set the menu language of specific applications individually. Many (though not all) applications have menus in different languages built in. You can activate these with a third-party application called Language Switcher.

Next Steps

For a guide to entering text in Japanese, see the page on Typing in Japanese, elsewhere on this site. For an introduction to using Japanese with different applications, see the pages on Text Editors, Dictionaries, and Browsers. All of these are accessible from the navigation bar at left.

Setting up Japanese on Mac OS X Mavericks

etting up Japanese to work with your Apple computer is a pretty easy affair. All of the recent versions of Mac OS X—including the latest version, Mavericks—have included Japanese language support out out of the box.
Windows, Android or Linux user? Check out our full Japanese reading & typing guide

Reading Japanese on Mac OS X

When you go to a webpage that shows text in Japanese, it should display as it would if you bought your computer in Japan. Nothing more to do.
However, a number of different encodings are used to display Japanese characters, and it may be that your browser is not recognising that the web page is encoded in Japanese if the text is not displaying properly: usually because the web page did not specify in the HTML which one to use, and the browser cannot work it out for itself.
Learn Japanese with LinguaLift
If you’re having trouble with a particular web page, in Safari, select Text Encoding from the ‘view’ menu, then select one of the different options until the characters display as it should. You’ll need to manually change this encoding back to default after you’ve visited the page.

Typing Japanese on Mac OS X

There is actually nothing you need to install separately in Mac OS X Mavericks to type Japanese - you just need to click a few buttons in the settings panel. You can type Japanese perfectly with a non-Japanese keyboard with the help of an IME.
  1. Click System Preferences from the Apple menu,
  2. Click the blue flag icon labeled Language and Text
  3. Select the Input Sources tab.
  4. Scroll, and find Kotoeri, and select Hiragana and Katakana
  5. Click the box next to Show input menu in menu bar at the bottom of the preferences pane. This will add a little flag to the top-right hand corner of your screen.

Alternative Japanese IMEs

Google IME is simple to install and use, but does not offer any benefits over the default MS IME. The main difference is that kanji autocomplete options tend to be slightly more colloquial, as the suggestions are pulled from language used online instead of a pre-built dictionary. I use it myself, as I think it better handles place names better, but I probably wouldn’t notice if I used the default one.

The input method used by most Japanese companies and preinstalled on many computers in Japan is ATOK IME. It is one of the most advanced IMEs on the market, with many useful features for professionals working with Japanese on a daily basis, though they come at a steep price of almost $100.